Last night I decided to do a dry run on the exercise I picked out for this week to see if I could do it.
I also had to look up a few exercises and realized I'm pretty comfortable with the sets. What I wasn't prepared for was the soreness. I know that I didn't hydrate properly, so I'm working on that as we.
Today I made it through the exercises and I'm proud I did it. That's the thing about exercising that I don't understand how I let myself quit. Even being sore it feels SO GOOD!!!! There is no better rush than a good workout.
As for the weird coincidences, there were two. First, the first blog I stumbled upon today was a lady who just posted last night about her true experiences with binging.
I read it and I was just in shock. Its good and scary to know that there are other people out there that binge and binge and feel just as powerless as I do. That lady now runs marathons, so there is a lot of hope. Her blog is here:
Interestingly enough, her name is Katie.
Second coincidence was just timing but I thought it was pertinent. I saw true life was on MTV (yes, I know, but I can't help it) and the focus of the episode was food addiction and the health consequences. I struggle with the word addiction because I think that when you attach a stigma like that people have a hard time relating and understanding how truly awful it canBe. I also think that people don't take food addiction seriously because when compared to drug or alcohol addiction it seems minor.
I get that a little. I just know that if I felt more in control I don't think I would weigh what I do. I'm sure there will be plenty more on this throughout this journey :)
Finally, I'm using an app called ziplist from the play store for recipe shopping. It is pretty great so far, it even separates the ingredients into categories for easier shopping. Check it out!
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